Authentic Asian Ingredients at an Online Asian Supermarket
Do you want to cook authentic and delicious Asian meals in the comfort of your very own kitchen? We know, that is a daft question. Of course you do. Surely everybody does? The many and varied food cultures of Asia offer a massive variety of styles, from Hong Kong to Saigon to Kuala Lumpur and far beyond. Each on different, each one appealing to different tastes and building on different flavours and textures. They all have one thing in common however – they all offer you healthy, flavourful meals that can be prepared from scratch incredibly quickly. What could be mire perfect for the busy lifestyles lived by families in the modern west?
Of course you do have to be sure that you use only the best quality, most authentic Asian ingredients that you can get your hands on. This might sound like a statement of the obvious but because authentic Asian groceries were so difficult to find in the UK for so long we have evolved a culture of settling for “best fit” ingredients. There was a time when British cooks really had no other options, but with the advent of the Asian food online shop this is a common but serious error that many new Asian cooks in the UK still make because they just do not realise that truly authentic ingredients are within their reach.
The internet really has changed everything. It is not so long ago that the only way to get authentic brands and products was to find a brick and mortar Asian supermarket London might have a few, and other cities with a large enough population of Asian heritage to support an Asian supermarket Edinburgh might have one, perhaps Leeds or Newcastle. But if you were in Harrogate, Taunton or Hunstanton you really had no opportunity to buy real Asian groceries.

The ability to order an Asian food online shop has put those authentic Asian food products within a single click – whether you are in Helston, Holmfirth, Helmsdale or anywhere in-between. Suddenly British home cooks can not only get the Asian grocery shopping that they need to make authentic Asian food at home, they can do so without even leaving the comfort of their kitchen.
At Hiyou we work hard to make sure that your shopping experience is as straightforward and user friendly as possible. We make our virtual shelves as easy to browse online as they would be if you could walk the aisles in person – perhaps even easier. Our search facility makes it easy to find specific items, but you can also browse whole categories to make that serendipitous discovery which could take you to unexpected culinary places.
Of course convenience is not enough on its own. You also need to be sure that your Asian food online shop is full of only the finest quality products. Whether you are shopping for branded products, store cupboard staples or fresh and frozen vegetables, meat and fish you want to be sure that you are getting the very best. Fortunately here at HiYou, the very best is the only level of quality we accept. We offer fast shipping so that even frozen produce will arrive in perfect condition, allowing you to order with complete confidence, secure in the knowledge that whether you are an Asian food expert or a complete novice you are working with the best authentic ingredients as your Asian cooking skills develop.
Something that we encourage our customers to understand is that they are free to ignore all of the celebrity chefs who keep insisting that to be truly authentic you must make every sauce and every paste from scratch. Nothing could be further from the truth. Certainly you might choose to do so for a special occasion, and if you do your Asian food online shop can deliver all of the fresh and authentic ingredients you need directly to your door.
But do you know a single person who regularly makes their own Ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise from scratch using fresh ingredients? We think that in fact all of your friends will normally buy those things in bottles and jars from the supermarket. It should be no surprise therefore that the home cooks of Asia will also usually go to a store to buy their sauces, pastes and spices. “Store bought” does not mean “poor quality” and to be honest for true, genuine authenticity you need to make sure that you have access to the same brands that you would find in a store in Asia.
That is all a part of the convenience and quality that our online Asian supermarket can deliver. We stock all of the brands that Asian home cooks would recognise. We can help you build your store cupboard up with all of the staples that you might find in a kitchen in Seoul or Shanghai. We promise, creating your own authentic Asian dishes really is not difficult when you have genuine, high quality ingredients to hand.
So what are you waiting for? Whether you are keen to rediscover the tastes and textures you remember from your travels, or you just want to make something fast and flavourful for a mid-week meal just find the recipes you want to make then click your way directly to our online Asian emporium for all the ingredients you could possibly need.
Rice wines (because dry sherry simply will not do – whatever some of the recipe books will try to tell you), fish sauces, curry pastes, herbs, spices, vegetables, meat, fish, whatever you are looking for - be it fresh, frozen, canned, pickled or dried you will find it somewhere in our online Asian supermarket. Then with a few clicks of a mouse it is winging its way for fast and affordable delivery directly to your door.
You will be amazed by the wide and wonderful world of new flavours, aromas and textures and that are just waiting for you to discover. The many and varied food cultures of Asia offer you a vast new array of exciting culinary experiences. Meals that are not only satisfying to eat, great tasting and healthy and quick to prepare, but also help you to experience another culture. When you make authentic food with authentic ingredients and authentic techniques you are completing processes, smelling smells and experiencing textures that would be familiar to cooks from half way around the globe.
This is why we believe that convenience and quality are only two of the benefits you gain when you come to us for your Asian food online shop. A whole new relationship with food awaits, but so does a deeper understanding of an exciting and vibrant food culture. So make the leap and discover a world of food experiences that are filled with flavour.
It all starts with a click.
A whole new culinary journey starts here.